Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Getting in Shape Step by Step - Part One:

Weight loss vs. fat loss.
by Riggtown

Where should you begin and why I feel this to be key.

Trying to lose weight is much different they trying to lose fat. Losing fat does not always mean losing weight.

Yes if you are losing fat you should see a reduction in your overall body weight. But a lot of the time that fat(which you really never lose you just shrink) is replaced with lean muscle mass and that may even increase your overall body weight. This is do to the fact that muscle weighs more then fat.

Lets put some of these terms into context so that we start on the same page.
- Weight loss = an overall reduction of body mass.
- Fat Loss = A reduction in your percentage of body fat.
- Diet = what you eat and when. Not a diet program

Now that we understand my terminology lets get started. I will look at weight loss, over fat loss. Which in its self is another article.

You need to remember that any weight loss program should be a life changer. You should want to improve your self and change the things that got you to a point that you are looking to lose weight.

Lets start out with looking at those things that have contributed to you gaining weight. The two majors are diet and inactivity. Stress can contribute to these and cause depression which in return comes back to diet and exercise.

If you feel that there is a clinical reason for your weight gain and you feel this is the leading cause of your weight gain then you should consult a doctor to get your clinical condition diagnosed first. Going on a weight reduction journey will have its ups and downs. Having an underlining clinical issue can make the lows even lower. This could also lend its self to depression. So, please consult a doctor before looking into any program especially if you feel you have an underlining medical condition for your weight gains.

Now lets focus

Weight over Fat.

My main reason for focusing on weight is this. Your weight can move up and down on a daily basis. So watching your weight reduce is much more motivational they trying to determine how much fat you have lost. The reality is that if you lose weight you will more then likely lose fat. But we will not track our progress this way. Our purpose is to remain motivated in our health goals. Which at this point is losing weight! We can look at the essence of fat reducing/muscle building later

Lets focus in on the diet part first. Look at what you are eating and when. Are you eating too much at one time and are you eating the right foods? The first thing you should look at is sugars and carbohydrates. Are you eating simple sugars and white flour products? If so, you will want to reduce or eliminated them. These turn to fat much quicker in your system and cause the body to become a calorie store instead of a calorie burner. Lean more towards whole grains and reducing your sugar intake. Read up on how sugar affects the systems

I will not lecture anyone on proper dieting just let you know that the leaner the meat and the greener your veggies the better off you will be. You need to look at all the things that you consume and view them as fuel or fat. I use fat because it is the easiest way to reference to weight. Fuel, you burn… Fat, you store. At least this is how I look at it. I make it simple. The food either gives me energy or it gets turned into sugar and then stored. If not burned then it becomes fat.

Take sometime, 2 to 3 weeks to look at what you are eating. Write it all down. What you are having and when. Even if it was a cracker as you passed by a co-workers desk. You may notice that you did that 6 times a day and that can add up to ….. Unwanted weight.

In part 2 we will look at what to do with this information we just gathered.

More info Here

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